Reducing Household Waste and Helping the Environment

Reducing household waste is everyone's responsibility. By reducing waste, you'll reduce your environmental impact, influence the people around you to do the same and improve the planet as a whole.

Here are a few ways you can quickly cut down your household waste.

==> Compost Instead of Throwing Out Foods

Did you know that compostable foods account for as much as 25% of our solid waste?

Instead of throwing away those carrot peels and orange peels, learn to compost them. It's not difficult. All you need to do is save up your compostable foods in a separate bin, then throw them into the dirt to compost.

It'll enrich your soil while simultaneously reducing your waste.

==> Bring Your Own Bags and Cups

Whenever you go shopping, bring your own bag(s) to avoid having to use a plastic bag. If you get your whole family in the habit of doing this, you'll save over a hundred plastic bags per year.

When you go out for coffee, make it a habit to bring your own cup. Often times coffee shops will even give you a discount or a larger portion if you bring your own cup.

If you swing by Starbucks every morning, that's 30 cups a month, 365 cups a year that you're saving the environment.

==> Buy Recyclable and Recycle

Check to see if the products you're buying are made out of recyclable materials before you buy them. If there's a choice between buying recyclable and non-recyclable, go with the recyclable materials every time.

Set up your own recycling bin and make sure your neighborhood recycles. If they don't, see what you can do about getting a recycling program set up.

==> Buy Whole Foods

Instead of buying pre-packaged foods, opt to buy whole foods instead.

For example, instead of buying canned tomatoes, buy whole tomatoes. You instantly save yourself a can.

Avoid canned fish, pre-packaged mushrooms, fruit packages, etc. and opt for their whole food counterparts instead.

==> Donate or Sell Old Stuff

Instead of throwing out things that have been collecting dust, make it a habit of donating them or selling them off.

Something that you might have no interest in anymore may be worth something to someone else at a garage sale or on eBay.

If you have things that aren't really suitable for sale, donate them to Goodwill or your local charity instead.

==> Buy in Large Quantities

A lot of things in the household will take less packaging if you buy in larger quantities.

For example, instead of buying many containers of small detergent boxes, buy one big box.

Whenever you see a choice between buying bigger or smaller, try to pick the bigger (provided that you will eventually use it all). You'll also usually be paying less per ounce.

These are a few of the many ways you can reduce your household waste and help the environment. Remember: the environment is everyone's responsibility. By reducing your waste, you're doing your part to help the planet.

Solar Power For Homes

Simple Improvements for a Greener Home

Want to make your home greener without having to spend too much time and energy on it? There are a few simple things you can do that'll make your home more green literally overnight with very little effort.

Here are a few simple improvements you can make for a greener home.

==> Invest in Auto-Off Lights

Getting a light switch system that automatically turns off is a great way to save energy and help the environment.

This is an especially good idea if you have a hard time remembering to turn off the light or have children who aren't in the habit of turning the lights off.

==> Purchase Energy Saving Light Bulbs

Energy saving light bulbs use much less energy than the typical light bulb. They generate less heat and produce just as much light as your typical light bulb.

Yes, they are slightly more expensive than a run-of-the-mill light bulb. However, if you care about going green, this is a really simple way to do so.

==> Water Conserving Shower Heads

Water conserving shower heads are very affordable, easy to install and can help you save a lot of money on your water bills.

Essentially what they do is inject air inside the streams of water. It still feels like you're getting a full blast of water on your body when you shower, but you're actually using a lot less water.

==> Improve Your House's Insulation

Improving your home's insulation can save you a lot of energy in the long run. It might take a bit of upfront investment, but it'll easily pay for itself.

Insulation will help you keep the heat in during winter and the heat out in summer. It'll help you reduce both your air conditioning and heating bills.

Different kinds of homes and different climates work best with different kinds of insulation. Talk to a local expert to figure out your exact cost to benefit ratio.

==> Use Green Products Wherever Possible

There are many places you can opt to go green in your house. You can buy green dishwashing soap instead of commercial detergents. You can buy organic soap in your local Whole Foods instead of mass produced soap.

You can buy biodegradable plastics instead of plastics that clog up landfills. You can buy products made from recyclable products or which are themselves recyclable instead of products that contribute to our unsustainable waste growth.

These are just some of the many ways you can go green. Just about every room in your house can benefit from going green. Often times going green means not only helping the environment, but also saving money.

It takes a little bit of effort in the beginning to set up your home properly, but the rewards more than justify the effort.

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 Cheers, Helene Malmsio

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