Feelings Are Born from Thoughts

Even in the most rational individuals, a great deal of our behavior still stems from our emotions.

Subconscious actions (like the way you speak or the way you walk) are often determined by your emotions, and can have a serious impact on the way people see you and can form their initial impressions of your immediately.

Your own thoughts are what will determine your emotions, and by extension, much of your appearance to the outside world. If you have a lot of negative thoughts, people will be able to see it in the way you conduct yourself.

You might be really short with people or not speak with a lot of confidence, and you might walk around a bit hunched over or drag your feet. This can hurt your chances for success because people will see you and their impression of you will be an innately negative one.

They might see you as unconfident, uninterested, angry, or anything else. First impressions can hold a great deal of weight, so you don’t want people to see you and think that you don’t have confidence.

You really have to start paying attention to the way you think actively. It’s hard to do, but it’s definitely possible. Take note of every time you have a negative thought. You might pass by someone and dislike their looks or get upset by something that they said.

If you have a lot of these built up at the end of each day, you’re clearly thinking in a very negative manner. In order to change your way of thinking from a negative to a positive one, try to find something good about everything you think about.

Even if someone really annoys you, try to find even the most insignificant thing to be happy about with them. Over time you’ll essentially rewire your brain to look for positive things rather than negative things, leaving you with a more positive attitude all around.

With a positive attitude, people will find you much more approachable and easier to talk to. People will take notice that you’ll be striding along confidently, even smiling a lot more often, and that gives them more of a sense of comfort around you.

This is way more helpful for success because people will not only be more inclined to listen to you and take your advice, but they’ll also be more willing to work with you or even work for you.

Have Fun Daydreaming About the Possibilities

So many people see daydreaming about what things could be as a bad thing. They think that people should be living in the present, being realistic about their goals and aspirations, and not waste their time by thinking about what-if scenarios.

In reality, though, thinking outside the box and daydreaming absolutely has its positive effects. First, daydreaming can help bring new ideas to light that you may not have thought about in the past.

If you’re constantly stuck in the present, then you’re basically limiting your foresight to maybe a year ahead of time. By limiting yourself, you’re not giving yourself nearly enough room to grow.

If you allow your mind to wander a bit and think about what the future could be like, you might discover that you want to go a different direction than you are now. This leads into another benefit which is being able to set proper long term goals.

If you’re not thinking in the future, you’re only setting short term goals, which are great at the time, but won’t help you until you come up with another. By daydreaming about where you want to end up, you can identify a clear end result that you want to have in your career, and from there you can come up with a path on how to get there.

If you daydream about something that you know isn’t viable, you’re not obligated to chase it. It’s good to be able to draw the line between realistic dreams that you’re thinking about and unrealistic dreams.

However, you can’t get any of the realistic dreams by only thinking in the present. Another important thing to keep in mind is that just having the dream and end goal isn’t everything that you need to achieve it.

You have to begin working on some kind of action plan - a map of how you’ll get from where you are now to where you want to be. It doesn’t have to be incredibly specific, but it should be somewhat detailed.

At the end of the day, have fun with it. Don’t be afraid of dreaming of something that might seem a bit out of your scope. Most successful people likely never saw themselves as owners of billion dollar corporations or widely known entertainers at first, and never would have if they decided to stick with the safe route and only think of the “realistic” goals.

Learn How to Trust Your Gut Instinct

Something that many people often struggle with on their path to success is that they get all caught up in second guessing themselves to the point where they’ve overthought it and end up making a poor decision – or stall out completely and never make progress.

Overthinking can be caused by a few different things, but one of the main causes is a lack of confidence in yourself. If you’re not confident in your decision making abilities, you’ll often think way too hard about things and talk yourself out of any potential risk and reward situation.

You can slowly build up your trust in your gut instincts over time. It doesn’t have to be all at once. Instead of starting by just trusting your instincts in a major decision, start off with things that are small and inconsequential.

This helps you build a foundation of trust because there’s no real risk involved, but you can still see if your instincts were on point or not.

After you’ve started to realize that it’s not a bad thing to go with your gut, you can start to trust it on more important decisions, like whether or not you should take a job offer or if you should make a sizeable purchase.

Sometimes it might not work out, but that’s fine. It’s more important that you start to try. Bear in mind that going with your gut instinct isn’t the same as doing things on impulse.

Impulsive decisions are often just thoughts that pop into your head out of the blue, usually spurred on by some kind of exterior influence.

You shouldn’t trust impulsive thoughts because they’re often not backed by honesty. In comparison, trusting your gut instincts is doing something because it feels right, or you have a positive feeling about it based on careful consideration.

It’s not doing something on a whim, but it’s also not overcomplicating things to the point of insanity. Trusting your gut is a good middle ground in which it’s not too complex, but also not too simple.

Thinking things through is fine, but you have to be able to realize when you’ve thought too much about something and just take the plunge.

Your natural instincts may be wrong every now and then, but you’ll probably be better off trusting them than you would be trusting a long stretch of thinking things through over and over again.

Once you’ve gone too far into overthinking, you start to get caught up in a web of thoughts and tangents that aren’t really relevant or reliable, which can be stressful and can trip you up.

Find the Reasons You’re Deserving of Success

Self-deprecation and depression are shockingly common among young adults today. Though many try to frame these conditions in a joking light, the fact of the matter is that there’s a lot of underlying truth to their humor.

These kinds of thoughts can manifest themselves in many people’s lack of drive or desire. Worried about coming off as too conceited, many people often downplay the fact that they deserve success.

They might start to think of these reasons why they don’t deserve the best, like poor decisions they’ve made in the past.

All this really boils down to is them regretting their past mistakes and coping with it by deciding that they weren’t meant to be extremely successful anyway.

This mindset has never gotten anyone anywhere. Giving up is the absolute worst thing you can do if you want to ever be successful.

It might sound arrogant to say that you deserve to be successful, but if that’s what it takes to get you pushing towards your goals, so be it.

Sounding a little confident won’t be the end of the world for you. Instead of focusing on things you might’ve done wrong or errors that you’ve made, start to focus on the things you’re doing right.

Take pride in any small victories or accomplishments you might have. Keep these little things in mind when you’re thinking about why you do deserve to be successful. Looking into your previous mistakes is a double edged sword.

On one hand, you might look back on them and have all these regrets about what you could’ve done and wish that you could go back and undo them. All this does is dishearten you and force you to paint yourself in a negative light.

Instead, look back at your mistakes and use them as guides on how you can improve yourself. Embrace the failures that you’ve overcome already and look back on them not as bad things, but as barriers that you’ve conquered.

This can help really inspire you and drive you start realizing that you do deserve to be successful.

No matter what it takes for you to start convincing yourself, you have to genuinely believe that you’re deserving of success.

If you can’t even convince yourself of that, you probably won’t have the willpower to cross the finish line at the end of the long path that is the path of personal satisfaction and ultimate success.

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Cheers, Helene Malmsio

Related Reading: https://www.discoveryhub.net/law-of-attraction-guide.html

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