Communication Habits That Can Strengthen Your Relationships

Even if you spend much time talking with others, your conversation skills may be less effective than you think. Communication issues are the top reason for divorce in the US.

According to a study by the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers, that’s the case for more than 67% of failed marriages. They cite consequences, including arguing, misunderstandings, and a general lack of communication.

If it’s difficult to connect with your loved ones, what happens when dealing with those you know less well, like your boss or neighbors?

Fortunately, mastering some of the most basic communication strategies can strengthen any relationship. Start with these 3 essentials.

Listen Attentively

What’s the difference between hearing and listening? Hearing means you perceive a sound.

Listening is an intentional process that lets you learn new things and lets others know you care about them.

1. Show interest.

Maintain eye contact without overdoing it. Use appropriate hand gestures and facial expressions. Smile and nod. Lean towards someone when they’re talking.

2. Stay focused.

Concentrate on the other party’s message instead of planning your response. Stop yourself from interrupting.

If it’s a nervous habit, take a deep breath. If you’re worried you’ll forget what you wanted to say, write it down.

3. Seek clarity.

Even when you’ve lived with someone for years, making assumptions about their thoughts is dangerous. When unsure, paraphrase or summarize what they’ve said, and confirm that they agree.

4. Follow up.

One of the most constructive ways to show engagement is to ask relevant questions. Open-ended questions are especially helpful for keeping a conversation flowing.

Share Openly

If you want to deepen your relationships, you must move beyond small talk. Allow yourself to be vulnerable.

1. Boost your confidence.

Believing in your own strength makes it easier to open up. Recognize your strengths and talents.

Treat yourself with kindness and compassion. Pursue meaningful goals, and advocate for your needs.

2. Explore your feelings.

Before discussing your emotions with others, you need to understand them. Keep a journal about your daily activities.

Establish a daily meditation practice. Observe what’s on your mind without making judgments about it.

3. Be tactful.

Attack the issues, not your loved ones. Be respectful when you express disagreements or anger. Watch your tone of voice, and avoid sarcasm.

4. Take risks.

To experience love and personal growth, you need to venture out of your comfort zone. Have the courage to speak honestly and appear vulnerable.

5. Start small.

Close relationships take time to develop, so reveal personal information gradually. Start with less sensitive subjects, and work your way up.

Think Positive

View others as partners rather than adversaries. Focus on working together to overcome obstacles.

1. Build trust.

Having faith in each other allows us to live and work together. Instill trust by honoring your commitments and acknowledging when you’re wrong.

2. Establish priorities.

Keep your eye on the big picture. Value your relationships more than winning an argument. Let little things go.

3. Express appreciation.

Cultivate a sense of gratitude. Focus on the positive qualities in others. Let them know that they make a difference in your life.

4. Consider counseling.

Relationships can be complicated. If you feel stuck, talking with a professional therapist may help. They can help you recognize how past events may affect your current behavior.

Successful relationships depend on clear and respectful communication.

Becoming more aware of your verbal and nonverbal habits can help you to fulfill your needs and bond more closely with your family and friends.

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Cheers, Helene Malmsio

Related Reading: How To Build Friendships And Maintain Them

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